
    Community Members

Strengthening the mental health of small and medium-sized enterprises in Denmark

Necto plans, initiates and implements concrete workplace and industry initiatives to strengthen the mental health of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Denmark. They bridge the gap between research-based knowledge and the needs and requirements of workplaces.

In a collaboration between companies, researchers, organisations, consultants, authorities, etc. they develop specific tools and methods that are tested at company level in project form.

"There is a massive need to strengthen mental health in the country's small and medium-sized enterprises. Managers and employees need better and more workplace-specific tools."

- Morten Mølgaard Jensen, CEO

Translating research-based knowledge into concrete initiatives

Necto takes research-based knowledge as a starting point and translates it into initiatives that address SMEs' specific experiences with mental health challenges. Examples include harassment, bullying, management quality, time and work pressure.

Based on the knowledge gathered, they develop initiatives and concepts that can be tested in companies in collaboration with the participating parties.

Necto is founded by Velliv Foreningen, but is an independent organisation.

Morten Mølgaard Jensen
Yun Ladegaard
Eva Jakobsen
Christian Døsing Sørensen


Contact person

Morten Mølgaard Jensen